
Disclaimer - NerdEmoji

The information and content provided on NerdEmoji is for general information and entertainment purposes only. While we strive to keep all information up-to-date and accurate, we make no warranties or guarantees of any kind about the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of the content on this site.


Game Content

All games available on NerdEmoji are provided by third-party developers or publishers. These games are not created by us but are the property of their respective original creators. We do not claim ownership of any of the games featured on our site unless otherwise specified. Any trademarks, copyrights, or logos related to these games remain the property of their respective owners.


External Links

NerdEmoji may contain links to external websites that are not controlled by us. While we try to provide links to safe and reputable sites, we are not responsible for the content, privacy practices, or actions of these external websites. Clicking on such links is at your own risk.



NerdEmoji is not responsible for any losses or damages resulting from the use of our website or games, including but not limited to technical issues, malware, or other disruptions. Users are responsible for ensuring their own devices are secure when accessing our content.


Changes to Content

We reserve the right to modify, remove, or replace any part of our website, including games, at any time without prior notice.


Contact Us

If you have any questions about this disclaimer, feel free to contact us:



By using NerdEmoji, you agree to this disclaimer and the terms outlined here.